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为什么钻石能象征爱情,钻石到底有多么珍稀,Do you know where your precious diamonds come from? What are the criteria for screening diamonds? What makes Tiffany diamonds different? How to choose tiffany diamond ring? Curious about these questions for a long time, 6 the exhibition zone takes you into the diamond world of Tiffany! Quickly follow the steps of haoran brother, embark on the journey to explore the birth of Tiffany diamond, experience craftsmanship!

时间:10月26日 -11月7日 10:00 – 22:00

HEFANG Jewelry


HEFANG Jewelry到底有多火,看看这么多明星亲自种草,你就知道它有多受欢迎了,赵丽颖、陈乔恩、周冬雨等,都曾在不同场合佩戴过TA家的配饰,哪怕是简单的穿着,戴上之后都会变得时髦吸睛。海外展台设计制作

HEFANG JewelryEach series, are in to us to convey a romantic and beautiful story, each piece of work can see craftsmanship, when you see them, minutes will be planted grass, lively and interesting and do not lose fashionable, let fashionable people easily hold various occasions, find the joy of life at any time.

Prada holds Linea Rossa autumn/winter collection launch party

廓形流畅、锐意创新,充满了科技感和真实感——Prada Linea Rossa专为现代生活而生。Linea Rossa系列是对大都市和城市根源的绝妙探索,海外展台设计制作融合正统与地下截然不同的生活和体验。10月24日,Prada于北京木木艺术社区举办派对庆祝Prada Linea Rossa 2019秋冬系列发布,并邀请DJ Madam X 和Peach助阵。

Prada Linea Rossa的灵感始终来源于现实以及现代生活的需求——机体和运动、城市现实、都市服装。在为机体和生活而设计的服装中,在为每一天的出色表现而设计的高科技运动服中,“Linea Rossa”无不在反映这些现实和需求。


海外展台设计制作派对现场整体设计以Prada Linea Rossa红线为灵感,Eye-catching slender red logo longitudinal space, eye-catching, more special lighting device rendering warm atmosphere. More than 400 guests attended the party, including actress zhang xiaohui, zheng shuang, cheng xiao, li yan-xuan, Chen ran, zhou qi, LUU Brothers, host li jing and model Yang hao.

拓源新思传媒towinevent.com是一家从事公关活动策划的专业公司,是中国十佳公关策划执行机构,中国公关协会杰出会员,致力于全方位解决客户公关活动需求!我们凭借强大的策划及执行能力,为客户全球会展、活动需求提供全方位一站式会议会展服务:海外活动策划公司\ 国外会议策划、会奖旅游、会展服务、活动策划执行、展览设计搭建、国外特装搭建等。服务国家可以涵盖:美国、法国、德国、东南亚、香港、澳门、台湾、新加坡、迪拜、日本、以及巴西、墨西哥等南美、欧洲等地区。作为12年专注一线品牌活动策划的专业机构,拓源公关传媒全体人员充满激情,带着十足的信心为您提供专业的公关顾问服务,为您呈现更精彩的公关活动!
